Thespians - OHS Troupe No. 2762
Overland High School's Thespian Troupe (troupe # 2762) is a group of elite drama/theatre students - those who have fulfilled the requirements for becoming a Thespian: 100 hours of work in two different aspects of the theatre (including, but not limited to, acting, directing, publicity, lights, sound, stage management, set construction, pit orchestra, costumes, props, makeup, and playwriting). Every two years, the Thespians travel to New York City to sight-see and attend theatrical productions on and off Broadway.
10 Points: Inducted (approx. 200 hours)
20 Points: Pin (approx. 400 hours)
30 Points: Letter (approx. 600 hours)
50 Points: Bar (approx. 1000 hours)
60 Points: Double Bar (approx. 1200 hours)
70 Points: Honor (approx. 1400 hours)
80 Points: Key (approx. 1600 hours)
100 Points: Master (approx. 2000 hours)
10 points is roughly 200 hours (students receive points for different roles and tasks) the hours are merely estimations.